The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3603385
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
20-Feb-14 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
OY VEY! At the mill, we have lots of space and the snow blower. In the city, just the front steps! So, while I certainly relate to Linn and Jeri's snow congestion, at least it is one thing I do not have to fight. For which I am very grateful. No buds either, though.

After a rest yesterday, I did almost finish the LR and it's as good as it gets. The desk still needs attention but whatever hit me yesterday, robbed me of all energy. While I was "resting" I decided to sort the box of "archives" I had been using as an "end table" and got through 12 inches or more before I could not do anymore. There are now piles of papers on the newly opened space on the LR floor. I found interesting papers that I want to read, look at, google... A big pile of gardening info that simply got stacked and returned to container. There is lots more at the mill; I will take this lot to the mill and put it all together so - someday, I can look at it or someone can heave it! Saving out the bit on pruning lilac which needs to be done in June in the city "front yard", a space about 3x10! hue lilac, nice mock orange, a couple small evergreen shrubs and a few perennials and bulbs. Might see some action about April!

Also a pile, as I continued today, which I refer to as "my life". I hope to sort out my life at some point - just for me. It has been so scattered. Shock of the task was finding two editorials I wrote in 1999, castigating the Ontario govt for canceling the spring bear hunt. Very shocking as now I am encouraging Ontario friends to try keep the Ontario govt from having a spring bear hunt! Realizing that those editorials were written from the viewpoint of the community I served as the newspaper reporter.

I found the first page of an article on "Keeping and Discarding". I think the second page is at the mill. I have been hoping to find this part for a long time. Now I hope to find the other part! There is about 6-8 inches left here, yet to go through but the energy has fled.

All in all, I believe the dust of moving stuff around and what was in the papers has caused my state of unwellness. So, I shall hope for a better day tomorrow. No hot water as Bruno is now sick with whatever R and I had, and are still getting over. Maybe next week???? Meanwhile, in addition to the fact that the K floor is now making ominous sounds, there are two water heaters to deal with and stuff from the laundry room is cluttering the K also trying to stay ready for the time when one or two water heaters will go through the trap door into the cellar, she says hopefully. At least if I fall through the floor, we will HAVE to do something about the K!

I struggled to stay awake all afternoon. Could have taken a nap!? Now, I shall eat something and watch TV until R gets home - whenever! Maybe peck away at the sorting or googling. Might even write something as memories surface.

It was warm enough to pot but NO energy. Rain.