The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153759 Message #3603388
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
20-Feb-14 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: BBC Folk Awards 2014
Subject: RE: BBC Folk Awards
yeh its too weird. leave 'em to it. render unto Caesar what is dogmeat and all that.
its folk, but not as weknow it Jim. people get worked up every year, I can't see why. its like the last days of the roman empire, the victories got smaller and more debatable and the victory marches got longer and more grandiose.
who wouldn't swap it for an evening in the 60's listening to Gerry lockran, noel murphy, bill caddick. ian Campbell, derek brimstone...everyone smoking ten number 6 for two bob, a double whisky for four bob.......