The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3603770
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
22-Feb-14 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Today is unique for February in Montreal - SUNNY! and 39F!!!! (Sunny at this time of year is usually COLD.) So - list of things to do - take out compost wile it is warm! Go to market for this and that.

We are in the city because when R showed up to head to cafe, he said he still has things that need to be done in a building where major renos start Monday. Although he sold the building, the new owners are permitting him to remove everything removable because they are gutting the building. SO, I said, let's come back and GET IT DONE!

I did nap from 4 until R came home at 6:15 and we set off. The furniture moving on Weds/disturbing of dust without wearing a respirator was un-utterably stupid. So I am back to the environmental cough - all night last night. Cough less sitting up but had terrible spells at the cafe and would go outside to cough then put on mask inside. Sometimes there are thing in the air there that exacerbate my coughing. But the music was good and I almost felt like dancing, but not quite.

R is much better but Bruno is very sick. What hot water??? A hot bath would be SO helpful...

So brekkie was nice French toast made with "Muesli" bread. And R is off to get things done and I am drinking green tea and getting ready - mentally and physically - to wash the dishes with the pot of hot water. Have not coughed since I got up. I may try to get the desk together. So nice to have sun pouring through the sheer drapes! Upstairs will be toasty. Hope I find the energy to get to the pottery. Step one: get dressed.