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Thread #153759   Message #3604195
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
23-Feb-14 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BBC Folk Awards 2014
Subject: RE: BBC Folk Awards
sneering and bitterness seems all one way to me. as it always has been. no debate just snotty remarks from people who have nowt to say - just that they don't like what you're saying.

fact remains - could any of the current lot write a song that gets people singing all over the world like the much maligned Donovan/Dylan gang did?

answer came there none. mainly because the toffs at the beeb have you convinced that anyone with a certain agency and with record company puff behind them is worthy of a programme on bbc4, plays on bbc2 radio, awards hither and thus.

meanwhile to my certain knowledge folk clubs up and down the land are scratching their heads looking for acts that can put bums on seats and then entertain ....

if you want to go along with the bullshit - have the guts to say so don't blame it on the messenger.
fact is, much is rotten in the state of folk music in England. nobody's bitter - just frustrated that this ridiculous situation of promoting middle class mediocrity has gone on for so long.