The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3606293
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
01-Mar-14 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
The wind picked up a little while ago, but I don't think the cold weather is due until after midnight. I finished weeding a couple of herb beds. I want the bed at the curb to fill up with oregano ground cover. I'm phasing the oregano out of the kitchen garden and instead putting in little zones of stuff - garlic, strawberries, chard, and for the time being, some onions and broccoli. Later on the basil will sprout after the onions are out. There is some lush cilantro in a corner that smells wonderful. I put some more onion sets in the bed where I put in thyme last weekend. I might as well get something else out of the bed while the slow growing herb spreads out. I also put some asparagus roots in a new bed out front.

I've changed out of the steel-toe boots, put away the wheelbarrow and gear, and I think now it's time to walk the dogs. They haven't been out of the yard in ages.