The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3606307
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
01-Mar-14 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Brownies with icing are quite tasty!
Wonderful crowd at the cafe last night; great music. COLD at mill when we arrived but it heated up OK and with help of whatever that thing is that I heat in the microwave, the bed/futon warmed up reasonably. Quiet day: went to library where R added to his book and magazine collection (Arghhhh). I borrowed two books. It did not get that warm today. No sun either. All the plants in the sun room survived and some are thriving. The fushia baskets are growing nicely but no buds yet. Two cuttings are actually rooting in a cup of water.

Had the yummy celery soup for lunch and I have computered most of aft - managing to get myself into a couple people's bad books; R and I agreed not to respond to irrational response from sil. Otherwise my comments have been well rec'd. I have not looked lately in the last hour; I was ordering heritage veg seeds in the hopes I will manage to have a beg garden. I may need a truck load of soil due to the tons of river rock that was dumped here to keep large trucks from sinking in. But maybe I can find a corner where there is enough soil. After the snow goes - in April, she says, hopefully! OK, maybe sooner.

Time for a meal.