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Thread #153464   Message #3606480
Posted By: GUEST,pete from seven stars link
02-Mar-14 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Subject: RE: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
dmcg- my challenge was quite simple and does not require what you propose. however it does sound more reasonable than the rants of most of your fellow evolutionists so we're see how we get on.
you remind me of a lawyer, who says .....please answer yes and no...there are some answers that do require clarification. and we all know a clever lawyer might get a crook off the hook.
you may succeed in exposing my limitations in understanding, but I will assume that is understood. I have tried not to get out of my depth and stick to easier to grasp arguments. these also have the advantage of still being unanswered convincingly.
I would also like to clarify that I am assuming that what you are calling science, I call evolutionism. if testable, observable, repeatable science has an answer in your favour, then certainly I lose. but I say again real science as I describe, and called, I believe, the scientific method, does not favour Darwinism and abiogenesis.
we could back and forth about the terms of the challenge, but as you have began it anyway, I will give my answer.
what the bible means by "kinds" is not meaning varieties of an organism, but something more basic. rather than thousands of beetles there would probably be just two, and the host of different beetles arose since then from the genetic information contained in the original pair.
the question you posed as an example, I would be unable to give a exact answer to, but in general as animals spread out from Ararat in the years following the flood, they would encounter different pressures from competition, predators, food sources, and probably other considerations. eventually they would begin to settle to the locations now common to them.
if my answers breaks your rules then we may have come to a stop already!.