The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3607303
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
04-Mar-14 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
I am not doing a very good job of keeping myself straight here!

We are generally at the mill weekends and mostly in the city during the week now. But today, in the midst of the chaos of the water heaters being installed, with the trap door to the cellar open and who knows what odours/molds... emanating, and the city house COLD! Everywhere! I absconded back to the mill where I can be warm and the air is safe with the air cleaner going 24/7. I cannot bear to lose the good health I have had for a precious six days.

On the way down, I stopped at the garage and made an appointment for very minor repairs tomorrow afternoon. May also check out the sheds at the trade school. Then, if the job is finished in the city, I shall go back - to hot water, a sink in the powder room, and a better washer and dryer in the laundry room. And a large pile of laundry! My first priority might be a nice hot bath and hold the laundry one more day!

On the phone this eve, R informs me he has fixed the electric on the second floor and may even be able to get the baseboard heat working up there also! Then I shall be able to work! Also helps that the weather is going above freezing for a few days, from Friday.

Here at the mill, the studio was up to 50 tonight which means I did not turn the heat down as low as I was supposed to. Also means I should be able to get it warm enough to work in the morning! 12 degrees warmer outside tonight than it was Monday when I could not get the studio above 44 with the heat on high. More insulation in the ceiling and walls on the agenda for this summer and another window and door on SW side for light and the eventual ramp so it is accessible. Also a deck out there so I can put a wheel outside in nice weather. But not until we have the new K in the city!!