The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3607655
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
06-Mar-14 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Musket, from NAT,

"Awareness of symptoms of HIV is poor amongst
health professionals and at risk communities. There
are repeated failures to diagnose people, with
symptoms and indicators of HIV being ignored or
missed - over half of people diagnosed in 2010 were
diagnosed late, after the stage that treatment should
have begun. For this reason more needs to be done
to ensure health professionals and communities at
risk recognise symptoms of HIV infection, including
early symptoms, so they know when to test. "

"Yet despite this, the testing rates amongst gay and
bisexual men and Africans are still far too low - the
numbers of gay and bisexual men who reported
'ever testing' for HIV in a 2008 survey was only 75%,
with a far lower number testing in the last twelve
months (as recommended in NICE guidelines).5

Amongst Africans, a 2008/09 survey found that 40%
of Africans had never tested for HIV."

"Partner notification, the process of contacting the
sexual partners of someone diagnosed with HIV,
is a highly effective way of getting people tested
and diagnosed. Audits show up to 37% of partners
traced and tested through this process were
diagnosed HIV positive as a result.7
Despite this, the
role of partner notification in prevention and testing
is neglected and under resourced;"