The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3607926
Posted By: Musket
07-Mar-14 - 04:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Hang on, just popped back to see how Keith's apology worked out..

Err... Not much of an apology is it Keith? I didn't ask for my words to be twisted again. I am getting somewhat bored with that.

I'll check again later. You get WiFi on the train, (off up to Och Aye the Noo land later) and his deep apology will be nice to read.

I'm sure he is working on it.

A pity he thinks I am important. I'm not really. I support important people though and give them the space to work, including many behind the websites he keeps repeating. It would be funny if there wasn't such a sinister agenda behind his rants. Funny how when I say something I am lying but when he reads exactly what I say on a website it is true? But I'm still a liar... On anything else I'd laugh and shake my head as I do with his silly Israeli or WW1 nonsense, but healthcare, even though I am not speaking in my day job persona, I still cannot put up with such dangerous talk that vilifies sections of society. We should speak up and put it down, looking the other way just encourages them. Healthcare is a very wide subject and there are no black and white definitive because it is delivered by methods other than dogma. Protocols are about as far as it gets, because there are two sides to every story with a valid third tugging away. The dichotomy of providing health statistics in a spirit of candour and openness and the risk of people drawing inferences or insisting on unhelpful words as official or authoritative to defend a viewpoint.. It is a well worn dichotomy and helps fill a few newspapers. It shouldn't fill adult debate though.

You can get help Keith. Just don't expect me to have any sympathy. You don't have the defence of ignorance like you mate does. Pig ignorance maybe, but not ignorance. You know exactly what you are saying and why. That's why you should be ashamed of yourself.