The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6100   Message #3608481
Posted By: Jim Dixon
09-Mar-14 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Music Hall songs
Words and music by Sax Rohmer, 1908.
As recorded by George Robey

Now my old aunt Rebecca is rich.
She's the Dowager Duchess of Diddle.
When she dies, I inherit a million or so,
But the old girl's a fit as a fiddle.
Whilst gunning the moors on the twelfth,
In a quiet lonely spot by the sea,
I saw someone there
By the cliffs, I declare.
'Twas the Dowager Duchess of D.
At that critical moment, some birds came in sight,
So I upped with gun and I blazed left and right,
And I nearly hit auntie, yes, nearly, not quite,
And bang went the chance of a lifetime.

Returning one night from a ball,
In a mellowish mood and reflective,
I saw a strange light in a bank; I said "Ha!
I'll play Sherlock Holmes, the detective."
A half-open window I spied
And inside I proceeded to slip,
When a burglar I saw
Forcing wide the safe door,
So I held him in muscular grip
But he slipped and he bunked; he was wiry and thin,
And the safe was wide open, slap full of tin.
I drew a deep breath, then six p'licemen rushed in,
And bang went the chance of a lifetime.

Once I courted a sweet winsome maid.
She was nineteen and also an heiress.
It's nice when a girl is a Venus Milo,
And also a millionairess.
I wooed her; I wooed her; I won. Wow! Wow!
"My darling," she said, "I am thine."
She swore she'd be true,
So I thought I would too.
What do you think? I thought it was fine.
My sweet Hyacinth, fairest of flowers that blow,
With a millionaire pa in Chicago, what ho!
So I put up the banns, then the wife got to know,
And bang went the chance of a lifetime.

Now the wife and her mother last June
Went to stay with the Marquess De Caxey
They decided to go by the eight-forty-five,
So I saw them safe off in a taxi.
But somewhere about ten o'clock,
Came a telegram; heavens alive!
Poor dear Ma and the wife!
Fearful smash; loss of life!
Total wreck of the eight-forty-five!
'Twas a terrible smash; eighty passengers slain,
And I manfully struggled my tears to restrain,
When the ghastly news reached me: they'd both missed the train,
And bang went the chance of a lifetime.