The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3608504
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
09-Mar-14 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
It's alright Goofus. Your homophobia is on record and you never deny your standing in decent company. Probably ignorance is bliss but don't worry. Gay people possibly can't understand what you prefer either.

Your mate however said all the above, many times, often on this thread in fact. He comes out with claims that don't exist in the healthcare world. Living there myself, I tend to know the neighbourhood. Denying his own words now? Err perhaps a quick "I was wrong" might mitigate the situation.

Let's ask Keith to dig up Akenaton's words, complete with time and date etc.

After all, Keith likes matters to be correct and usually goes out of his way to put the record straight.

Even when he may not agree with what it shows.

Isn't that so Keith?



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