The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828 Message #3608674
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
10-Mar-14 - 06:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
What are you wittering on about now?
Since 1997, surveillance of blood borne viruses has been national. By 1999, there had been eight UK HIV by needlestick for healthcare professionals. Since then, although reporting of testing has a voluntary aspect, it is estimated that 1 in 255 of HIV infected needlestick will result in contraction. Or one every forty years.
Hence my comments regarding testing to risk which you had got your facts about arse faced when referring to sexual transmission. My point, for which I apologise as I was addressing the majority intelligent Mudcat readers, was differentiating testing to occurrence.
The last needle stick test of a healthcare worker in The UK was possibly today. At any rate, there are enough per year to make that assumption.
You tried muddying that with needle share which is a high risk of occurrence factor when contact tracing, root cause analysis and profiling.
Why do you do that Keith? You have said Akenaton is wrong so why keep twisting the figures to support him?
I would much rather be wrong in my conclusion. I really would.