The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28584   Message #361032
Posted By: GUEST,Mary in Kentucky
21-Dec-00 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: Favorite religious Christmas music
Subject: RE: Favorite religious Christmas music
Welcome Jean, Jon and Wes,

You'll find lots of wonderful discussions here (and yes, a bit of silliness too) because this is a world-wide community of friends who share a passion for music.

Remember, if the server goes down during the holidays, try the following URL's,

Jean, any suggestions for Christmas carols played on the dulcimer? I like something slow, with beautiful chords, where I can also pick a few melody notes. I never tire of Greensleeves, but also love the Appalachian songs.

Also, if y'all join, membership has it's rewards. But this place can be very addicting and time consuming!
