The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3610338
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
17-Mar-14 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
'Guest', your link, 'Monogamy' by Arthur Fox, was so full of holes, that I was originally going to address them, point by point, but it would have taken too much time to cover it all. This guy is a spin-meister of major proportions, leaving out several KEY factors, in regards to monogamy...then I checked him out....he is an attorney blogger...."Arthur Fox, a public interest litigator, has devoted his career to working within the union movement to assist democratic-minded union leaders, members, and dissident organizations to reform autocratic unions and to strengthen the collective bargaining process on behalf of workers. He was a founder, in the 1970s, of the Teamster reform movement." --Huffington Post

As I've posted before, let's leave the politics OUT of getting to the FACTS!..His is a political position, NOT a public health position!

One glaring omission in his opinion piece, was, while targeting the root 'causes' of monogamy, being Judea-Christian, was the FACT, that the instinct of pair-bonding for the rearing of offspring was completely ignored and omitted!!! He was coming from a political viewpoint, and sidestepped, (through is 'litigator tactics'), the very basic thread of the nature of humans in regards to this matter!!

Most of the links you have provided have 'some' good information in them, and usually some spin. I suggest you do some fuller homework, when posting a link. Instead of posting a DEFINITION of monogamy, you posted a political spin from a fast taking lawyer/blogger!!..attempting to sidestep, while demeaning the traditional nuclear family, from which most of us came from!...I strongly suggest that you curtail the links that have a political agenda as an underlying premise.....especially from a lawyer, who has financial interests in promoting his/her position.

Respectfully (for now),