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Thread #153464   Message #3610421
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
17-Mar-14 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Subject: RE: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
"did I say ...I don't believe in speciation....well I suppose I may have mistakenly misused the wrong word, but as you are claiming that, I leave that to you to substantiate........just in case it might be YOU who is confused!"

I'm confused by your mangled prose, pete! "I may have mistakenly misused the wrong word ..." Now there's a phrase to conjure with! Is 'speciation' the "wrong" word that you've mistakenly misused? In which case, perhaps you've mistakenly misused the RIGHT word. And if, indeed, that is the case, what alternative to the word 'speciation' were you thinking of? How did the two beetles, of the same species, that you claim were on the Ark, change into all of the thousands of (non-interbreeding) species of beetle that we see today?

Science may well "go wrong" occasionally - but that doesn't mean that the Bible is right!

"evolutionary dogma don't change till it has to, ..." Ugghhh! Current evolutionary models change when enough evidence accumulates to justify changing them. That's how science is done, pete! When will you ever grasp that elementary concept?

Yep! The "deep time position is non negotiable". Go read up on it in something other than a red-neck creationist website. Remember, if you challenge the techniques behind dating measurements, you're not just taking on evolutionary biology but you're taking on some of the fundamental concepts of modern science - and you and your red-neck friends are just not up to it, pete.