The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153464   Message #3610559
Posted By: Steve Shaw
18-Mar-14 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Subject: RE: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
This is really simple, mollusc. Evolution is true. It happens. It's here and always has been. Now nothing I've said there is bad science because it isn't even science at all. The five digits on my hand are not science. The science might come in explaining how the muscles receive nerve impulses, etc., to make the fingers work in a coordinated way. Plenty of good science there. Explaining my hand, its evolution, its structure and how it works is the science. The truth that there is a befingered hand on one end of my arm is not the science. Darwin was competing with a lot of people who should have known better (proto-petes who had no evidence at all) in order to get his description of evolution accepted, but idiots denying the self-evident in no way diminishes truth. His context was different to ours as we no longer have that mountain to climb (because we know now that evolution is true) and you're just being disingenuous. He revealed evolution to us in a coherent way but he did not invent it. It was as true then as it is now, as it was before he happened along. Humanity can't alter that truth one jot. But we can try to explain it. All the science in evolution comes within the theory, the attempt at the explanation of evolution. There's a robin sitting on my spade handle which I can see through the window. That's true (I'm not interested in proving it to anyone, however). But I have not touched on science in the slightest in that sentence. But let's argue about how its wings and eyes worked in order to get it there.

And who cares about playing into the hands of creationist idiots? Not me. Don't give a monkey's. I give a monkey's only about playing into the hands of serious people. Come and join us, Snail.