The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153942   Message #3611430
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
21-Mar-14 - 06:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cosmos
Subject: RE: BS: Cosmos
Where's the like button on Mudcat???

Agree wholehearted with TheSnail there. Stilly River Sage's policing & closure of these threads is noxious in the extreme - far more offensive than the occasional well-intentioned invective.



The facts of the evolutionary case are all around in the diversity of species within basic morphological groups which we can trace back to fossil remains long extinct before other species existed. It's there in the comparison between human necks and that of giraffes, or in comparing our hands with bat wings. This ties in with the history of the universe as a whole, and that of our planet, where life comes into being when the right conditions exist.

Evolution is part & parcel of that process - things begin & develop because there is no other way. All things are the product of long & countless years of evolutionary process. Cultural & Technical Evolution likewise, which most certainly IS observable in the human time-frame, be it over the 10,000 years between Göbekli Tepe and the Large Hadron Collider - or in our own short lifetimes where in my adolescence in the late 70s having a discussion like this using this level of technology was the stuff of Tomorrow's World.

As I said below, the alternatives are both unthinking & unthinkable: