The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153992   Message #3611736
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
22-Mar-14 - 02:35 AM
Thread Name: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
Subject: RE: Spring Cleaning, Declutter & Fitness 2014
One oddball item sold on eBay (a garage sale category piece) and if they pay early tomorrow I can hand it over to the mail carrier when he (hopefully) delivers an Amazon package. I found and ordered the type of veterinary shampoo I like to use on my dogs, and I'm going to give some to Susie (who adopted the three dogs from my co-worker who died of cancer last fall). One of those dogs has had skin issues and a good shampoo might help. So, one item out, two in, but the things coming in are replacements for things that are going away or were used up.

Dorothy, I've also tossed some magazines that I was keeping because of one article or recipe. I pulled out the articles and tossed the rest. A bunch of it will go to the recycle bin behind city hall tomorrow. And as far as our burglary, I think it is safe to say that dealing with the insurance company was like being robbed all over again. It took a couple of tries to get them to pay attention to the detailed claim I filed (I keep receipts and owners manuals, so I was able to reconstruct accurately what was stolen, but they ignored about half of the items listed on my inventory, probably hoping I wouldn't insist that they replace everything beyond my deductible). The worst thing those guys did was to steal the box of software. That's what really cost the insurance company.

I'm up late, winding down from a meeting at the library. Lots of old friends there, some good networking, and an illustration of how the new library setup is still lacking and falls back on the old library setup. It never fails that if I turn up at these meetings with a camera in my hand the woman who runs them now is relieved because she doesn't have to do something about photos. I take the camera to add to my collection because I've photographed this group for almost 17 years. And if the photos can be used by the library, fine.