The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3611897
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Mar-14 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Keith of Hertford: "Musket and Troubadour, I think you are wrong to suggest that the situation 30 years ago has any influence on current infection rates."

Musket and 'Troubadour'(?), have a problem in using FACTS to base their OPINIONS on....they'd rather custom tailor reality to fit their 'political reality', rather than use FACTS, to correct their political trendiness!!
If you scroll back, and take a look, they employ outright lying and misquoting to try to further their arguments. They don't give a rat's ass about the truth...just their agenda, which is NOT founded or rooted in TRUTH. (Probably tactics learned from Professor Bullshitter!)

Fact: Promiscuous sex, of any group, spreads the HIV/AIDS virus.
Fact: Sharing dirty needles spreads the HIV/AIDS virus.
Fact: Proportionately, Homosexual promiscuous sex spreads the HIV/AIDS virus quicker than any spread in Traditional Nuclear Families.
FACT: To recognize the above FACTS qualifies one to be labeled a
'homophobic bigot', by pro homosexual liberal people.
FACT: Living a lie is NOT in the best interest of bettering society,
or finding a solution!
FACT: To promote lying, for the sake of a political agenda, or
agendas, is only temporal, and whatever 'usefulness' of lying, to advance that political agenda, will roll away on the 'wheels
of tomorrow'!
FACT: Denying that there IS a problem, and where it is, only will cost MORE lives to be lost, and you can lay THAT at the feet of the liars!
FACT: The more idiots support agendas, built on false premises, the more moronic they are!