The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154055   Message #3612167
Posted By: MGM·Lion
23-Mar-14 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
Models of WHAT, Jack? I am not remotedly interested in all this fatuous speculation about the quadrillion-trillion-billion-million-googol·+·1 things that might have happened in the microsecond after the big bloody bang. I just want to know what it was that went big bloody bang in the first place; what it was, where it was; and whence it came. Till anyone can answer those questions, there is no point so far as I can see in engagement with any further discourse. Sod the models & the multiverses!

Ben Elton has a character in one of his novels say that apparently these are questions that only stupid people ask. That's OK. So I'll be stupid; fine. Now can any of the non-stupid answer, please.


Said to her Nan
'Please will you tell me how God began'

A.A Milne Now We Are Six