The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3612198
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
23-Mar-14 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
He doesn't care...he is only concerned with the falsely based propaganda, which happens to be part of the 'so-called' liberal' agenda. He will continue to try to shift the thread topic away from the transmission of HIV/ his views on homosexuality.
This thread is NOT about homosexuality. They only came into it as a recognized major carrier of HIV/AIDS...that for some VERY lame reason, the 'politicos' want to make 'political hay' of them, and dismiss and sweep under the carpet the KNOWN FACT of them being major carriers, as the fear that common sense will undermine their political agendas.
Now that wasn't difficult, nor hard to understand, was it?
Notice: They won't even address addicts sharing needles...