The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154055   Message #3612321
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
24-Mar-14 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
finding truth in the poetry of Celtic and Teutonic and Greek and Roman and Egyptian and Native American and Asian and Christian and Hebrew and Muslim and other systems of belief.

Finding truth and persisting things to be true are two different things. There are thousands of creation myths (apart from the two quite contradictory ones in Genesis!) each one part of thousands of different storytelling traditions. Not a single one of these is any way TRUE, on the contrary, though we might pause to ponder when one chimes in with known scientific data (i.e. True in the Literal Knowable Falsifiable Demonstrable Peer Reviewed sense) like the ancient Hindu cosmology as touched upon in the particularly mind-scrambling episode of Carl Sagan's Cosmos I was watching last night...

Carl Sagan on Hindu Cosmology

We can know these things. It's what being human is all about. This is why religion is essentially inhumane as it confuses what is objectively True and concerns us all, with subjective truth, which only concerns one of us - a you or a me - and proceeds to feed it into the impressionable brains of children. TRUE reverberates in the background radiation of the Big Bang which pre-dates humanity by billions of years, and will still be reverberating billions of years after we've gone. Truth, OTOH, is what we choose to eat for breakfast, read on the toilet or put on our car stereos on our drive to work.