The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154055   Message #3612841
Posted By: Joe Offer
26-Mar-14 - 12:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
And then there's Jack Blandiver (23 Mar 14 - 06:10 AM )

Well, Jack, I don't think that "creationist" fundamentalists can accept the idea of "story." I use that word and the term "sacred story" quite often when I'm teaching religion, and it has caused me trouble many times. The word "story" makes fundamentalists very uneasy. Stories, even when they are based on premises that may not be factually correct, can lead us to wisdom and deep insight. Sacred aboriginal stories can lead us to respect the wisdom of cultures that we of European ancestry once considered savage and ignorant. Likewise, there is value in seeking the wisdom in the sacred aboriginal stories of our own culture.

But absolutists, believers and nonbelievers alike, cannot accept or respect the concept of story. They see only narrow "facts," and have little tolerance for "ideas."

One other thing - I think it is disrespectful and dismissive to say that humankind "invented" God. That oversimplifies and dismisses a process that was far more complex and profound. Better to say that that some humans "came to believe in" a God/gods. There's no reason to be insulting, even if you do not share that belief.

-Joe Offer-