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Thread #154055   Message #3612988
Posted By: sciencegeek
26-Mar-14 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
Sorry, Joe... but I have to disagree with you here.

"One other thing - I think it is disrespectful and dismissive to say that humankind "invented" God. That oversimplifies and dismisses a process that was far more complex and profound. Better to say that that some humans "came to believe in" a God/gods. There's no reason to be insulting, even if you do not share that belief."

If you go onto a thread such as this, you must expect to find a wide spectrum of attitudes and positions. And some of them will not make you feel very happy... just think for a second how infuriating it is for a scientifically inclined individual to be confronted with the total BS presented by the creationist side... where they distort facts and do their best to ignore scientific method.

I have plenty of friends who are people of faith... I do not agree with their faith... actually faiths because they are of various persuasions... but I do not bring up the subject either. And change it as quickly as I can if it does come up.   

But on a thread like this, a person should be free to bring up their viewpoint... and defend it if challenged. If you find this particular one disrespectful and dismissive, that may be more of a reflection on you than the other poster.

Why are you dismissive and disrespectful of their position? Can you not understand or at least accept that not everyone has a need for spiritual answers (for want of a better term that escapes me now). I reached similar conclusions myself years ago and see no reason to alter them.   It would actually be hypocritical to deny them.

When a kid is taught for 8 years in school that they are doomed to hell if they deny the tenents of the Catholic faith, you can be pretty sure that they have thought long and hard on the whole issue before they reach the conclusion that they just can not accept or live with those beliefs... much less determine that they do not even believe in a diety.

I do not share your faith and doubt that I ever will, anymore than I think you could share my beliefs.