The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154055   Message #3613038
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-Mar-14 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
I think the greatest thing we can know, is that we don't know very much - and that it's important to respect and learn from the way others see things.


Why, how very profound. To follow on, because we don't know much, we have to accept that weird and wonderful evidence-innocent manifestations such as God are possible. Not only that, we have such tiny minds that there simply must be Greater Truths that we mortals just can't get our heads around. Well Joe, you see things that way, I'm right with you there, your prerogative, but fer chrissake do not ask me to "respect" it. You call me doctrinaire (your buzzword of the week, I note). I simply ask for evidence. Real evidence, not woolly shite from scripture or tradition or ceremony or witness or mass hysteria or what priests tell you. There is nothing "doctrinaire", you insulting bugger, about a chap who says he knows nothing for certain but who asks for evidence. You know, I love to respect and learn from the way others see things. But I see Catholics et al. forcing their children to see things the way they see things and refusing to let them learn. You need to address that elephant in your own room before you have a pitch at us blokes who just want everyone to have the freedom, the skills and the resources to think freely for themselves. And to be free to ask for evidence without being demonised as "doctrinaire" by scared Christians.