The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28584   Message #361328
Posted By: Haruo
21-Dec-00 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: Favorite religious Christmas music
Subject: RE: Favorite religious Christmas music
Well, so are the Catholics ;-)

by which I mean that during the period when the English Catholics really were being persecuted, which was of much shorter duration than the Presbyterian program notes suggest, English Catholicism as an institution (seminary training, etc.) was centered in France, in Douai, and Rheims, and Rouen, I think (hence the 1582-1609 Douay-Rheims Bible that was long the King James of the Romanists). That continued even after the outright persecution had waffled into discrimination, which is i.a. why John Wade was in France when he did Adeste Fideles.
