The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154055   Message #3613405
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
28-Mar-14 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
Any explanation of "folk" that does not distinguish it from art or composed music is absurd, for then the boundary is merely a matter of taste

Getting back to the nature of the thread, all aspects of human culture share a common root from which they've evolved into a multiplicity of idioms. We might say language is different to music, although many notable scholars & linguists will point out the similarities not just the connections between one language and other, but between language on the whole and music on the whole, the structures of which - from basic syntax to sonata form to the morphology of the Indo-European folktale - are, somehow, biologically determined by the brain that made them.

Morphologically there's a lot of similarities between humans and other mammals - be they giraffes or bats - that are well known and demonstrable and are part / parcel of our understanding of evolutionary process. We learn in school that we have the same number of neck bones as a giraffe and that a bat's wing is essentially the same as our hand because we share a common evolutionary ancestor.

Music arises at some point 50,000 years ago. As with language and other cultural attributes it evolves - it accumulates and diversifies into a multiplicity of different possibilities, but, as with life, always with more similarities than differences. The idioms we think of as Folk Music - and it is idiomatic, nothing to do with the truly absurdist and patronising precepts of the 1954 Definition - are no different to any other music - Popular, Art, or whatever. Human beings create idiomatic music within idiomatic idioms driven by cultural commonality and the needs of the individual who is always part of a community. It is that which defines all human culture, and all music, bar none, be it Border Balladry, Hip Hop, Baroque concertos or the furthest reaches of experimentalism - all is changing, evolving and born from what went before it. All is fluid, flux and ever changing tradition because that is the law of the cosmos. Amen to that!


and if she did, how would she pronounce it?

Sib You Yarf! of course. That final B is silent...


I do hope all this horse play doesn't result in deletions; the worst ire I ever invoked from Pope Joe was when, back in November 2009. I defended MtheGM's right to call me a cunt. I wasn't excommunicated as such but I received a PM to tell me how much I disgusted him.