The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154055   Message #3613860
Posted By: Joe Offer
31-Mar-14 - 01:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there any merit to creationism?
Jack Blandiver says (30 Mar 14 - 05:36 AM): Hmmmm. Progressive Christianity sounds like an oxymoron to my ears, at least as far as the innumerable stripes of Christianity as manifest these last 2,000 years and still embodied in the monolithic absolutism of the Roman Catholic Church, and others... We're all pretty clear on what that sort of Christianity is all about, but the 'progressive' prefix makes it all kinda 'lite' somehow, and maybe a bit of an insult to all the countless thousands who've been ruthlessly persecuted for thinking outside the box of your church down the years - yeah!

Well, Jack, throughout history, religions have had some people who approach religion as doctrine, authority, and rules. Perhaps "conservative" is not an accurate term for them, but it's the term that's used nowadays.

And at the same time, they have those who approach religion in a benign, philosophical, and altruistic manner - tending to emphasize social justice issues, and not overly concerned with sexual morality. Perhaps "progressive" is not an accurate term for them, but it's the term that's used nowadays.

And yet there others who take the part of sheep, and follow the prevailing winds.

I would venture to say that all institutions function more-or-less the same way - an interesting mix of good, bad, and indifferent forces. Rarely will we find any organized group of human beings that is uniformly good or uniformly evil. They're all a mix - and the balance of the mix is constantly changing.


Late Tuesday Night: Well, I had no Internet connection today, so I wrote this offline and now I see the thread is closed. Since I worked hard on it, I'm going to post it to an existing message of mine.