The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3613942
Posted By: GUEST
31-Mar-14 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
""The thread is about the transmission of the HIV virus, not proving jack shit one way or the other about homosexuals and their trips about having kids.""

So, if so, why did you bring the topic up in a post(what was your purpose in doing that)? Since you refer to the importance of "facts", I was merely correcting a statement you posted on that topic, one that was clearly inaccurate, (as you used the word "ALL"). So, should one get from your "prickly" response that you give don't "jack shit" for factual accuracy? Or, should one get the message that you can't admit to a factual error you make, and get all heated up and defensive when an error you make is brought forward?

BTW, on your other point, the OP is below, as a refresher (since you brought the purpose up). jts clearly intended to have the topic broader than HIV transmission alone. Experience in prevention programs was noted. In addition, this did not limit the topic to the UK nor the USA, but to the global situation where prevention programs seems more promising. (the word "civil" was also included, which means respectful).

(As I noted before, many people who have sexual relations, state they have have no interest in reproducing, this includes homosexuals and those with other sexual orientations). Most reasonable people are ok with their personal decision.


""Subject: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
From: Jack the Sailor
Date: 26 Feb 14 - 03:34 PM

I have been told that a section of this forum does not want to discuss it. I think it deserves its own thread.

I haven't thought about it much since I got checked for it and got married. But it is obviously and important issue. Does anyone have any special insights? Does anyone have experience in prevention programs.

I have to admit, I have an interest in seeing this thread succeed.
I'd like to see the discussion kept civil and confined to one thread.