The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3614029
Posted By: GUEST
31-Mar-14 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
""GUEST? I don't see how what you have quoted from WHO is going to quickly arrest the epidemic amongst MSM....They are pretty general ideas which don't really address the current problem?""

Ok, I will bite, since the op asked for suggested treatments. Beyond compulsory testing-which is unworkable, and will most likely make things worse, what are your treatment solutions to arrest the global HIV pandemic impacting many groups. Your chance to put it forward, with the benefit of what has been posted and linked here.

A question, what have you learned from the 700 posts in this thread, and does your position remain the same as in other threads. If nothing is gained/learned and your position remains intact, what is your purpose participating in the discussion, (beyond promoting one one solution, you seem to hold firm to). However, if you have benefited from others (beyond those who shared your viewpoints in other threads and here), can you sum it up using respectful terms (for example, please omit any reference to your earlier views as to "a perversion")?