The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3614188
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
01-Apr-14 - 03:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Male Homosexuals(MSM), are defined by who they like to have sex with, NOT by who they love.

What nonsense. A homosexual is perfectly capable of loving his or her partner and never having sex with them. Does that make them any less homosexual?

"Love" is hard to define most couples are "loving" some days, "hating" some days, "mildly irritating" MOST days :0) Couples stay together chiefly to raise their family in doing so they develop a deep emotional bond, they become comfortable with one another.

More rubbish. There are millions of people in partnerships with no children. Do they love each other any less? Maybe you did not love your wife before you had children but I certainly did. I would not have married her otherwise. Do you really believe that this 'deep emotional bond' is the preserve of the nuclear family? If so, then sorry, but you have no grasp of what people are really like and should keep quiet on anything to do with relationships.