The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111326 Message #3614209
Posted By: GUEST,RBG
01-Apr-14 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: John Runge - need biographical information
Subject: RE: John Runge - need biographical information
I was at Sherborne Preparatory School and later at Sherborne School when JR taught there.
At the Prep, JR was friendly with the Head and his family, and occasionally sang to us young boys informally before bedtime, accompanied by his guitar, in the head's study with us sprawled on the floor. He also often appeared on BBC radio children's programmes.
His forte was children's songs, and he was an utterly enchanting entertainer, singing in English (and French "Le jour de lavage", and in local dialect (eg "The Turmot Hoeing")
I still remember the words of some of these songs to this day.