The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3614361
Posted By: GUEST
01-Apr-14 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
""(Stigma not even mentioned)""

Not correct, you just have to look deeper before making that assessment. Check out the attachments. You will note a reference to a document (8) in the section. you refer to in your last post

Clicking on the link (8) in the footnotes, here is what you will find, that relates:

Overcoming barriers to HIV testing: preferences for new strategies among clients of a needle exchange, a sexually transmitted disease clinic, and sex venues for men who have sex with men.

""To determine strategies to overcome barriers to HIV testing among persons at risk.

Barriers to testing included factors influenced by individual concern (fear and discrimination); by programs, policies, and laws (named reporting and inability to afford treatment); and by counseling and testing strategies...""

If you go further into reports linked to this section, you will find other studies listed under a (pdf) report titled, NICE: HIV testing among MSM: Final report Matrix Evidence | 15 November 2010:

One statement says:
""Three studies find that the fear of anti MSM prejudice among service providers and the broader society may be a barrier to testing...Participants in one study expressed a fear that being seen to take an HIV test would lead to the assumption that they engaged in risky sexual behaviour. One study finds that prejudices against HIV positive people among MSM may act as a barrier to testing""