The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3614464
Posted By: akenaton
02-Apr-14 - 04:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Dave, you missed the most important word in my post TARGETED.

The group with the massively highest rates of STD infection MSM should be targeted for thrice yearly testing, there is no value in increasing testing in heteros, as the infections are very rare within most hetero is simply not cost effective to do so.

The health agencies need to get involved with the homosexual organisations to make it clear that the present state of affairs is not acceptable. It should be made clear to active male homosexuals that not to be regularly tested is socially unacceptable....the lead must be taken from within the homosexual community itself, that the prevalence of promiscuous and risky behaviour must be amended.

The infection rates must be brought under control, if they are not, and HIV/AIDS and other STDs like syphilis become almost exclusively associated with the male homosexual community, then it will be too late.