The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150911   Message #3615179
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Apr-14 - 03:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Irish Potato Blight- Cause found
Subject: RE: BS: Irish Potato Blight- Cause found
"That means that one of us is lying."
Why - because you say so, presumably.
"These figures are in dispute"
They are indeed.
You appear to have missed a bit from your unlinked cut-'n-paste; careless of you!
"Other, perhaps less reliable and likely underestimates are that the event led to the deaths of approximately 1 million people through starvation and disease; a further million are thought to have emigrated as a result of the famine.[5] Some scholars estimate that the population of Ireland was reduced by 20–25%.[130] All of this occurred while taxes, rents, and food exports were being collected and sent to British landlords, in an amount surpassing £6 million.[131]"
The Great Famine (Ireland)
The actual death and emigration figures may be in dispute, the causes for those figures being as high as they were are not- they are cited over and over again in everything that has been written on the Great famine.
The only thing in dispute is whether Britain's culpability was deliberate or just malicious, hate-inspired predatory neglect
Jim Carroll