The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154160   Message #3615261
Posted By: Steve Shaw
04-Apr-14 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Black Belt Obstreperous Prick Club
Subject: RE: BS: Black Belt Obstreperous Prick Club
Closed systems? What more closed system can there be than the dedicated Catholic who proudly ditches rationality in favour of mysterious "greater truth", the dyed-in-the-wool homophobe who can't even type "gay wedding" without quotes around "wedding", or the rabid, science-denying creationist, all of whom dwell here? Are you sure you're not confusing "closed system" with "someone who don't talk nice, in my opinion?" As Musket says, we don't start this stuff, you know. If you think that attacking proud irrationality or proud prejudice is the work of closed minds, well I think you've got something slightly arse about face there!