The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3615717
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
05-Apr-14 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Musket: "Goofus is his lucid self again. I reckon he has problems nobody here can address.."

Ed T: "not just a few, they would consider erasing gfs's last insulting post-that adds nothing to what seemed to be a discussion back on a respectful and productive course.."

Oh NO!...You're going to give me a 'stigma'...Maybe you should tell those who are reluctant of getting a 'stigma' to get themselves tested, before they kill someone else.....but then why hurt someone's feelings, when they can gleefully go off and kill someone???

Get over it!....and tell them to get over it, and think of others than themselves, rather than how they get their rocks off!