The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150911   Message #3617534
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Apr-14 - 07:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Irish Potato Blight- Cause found
Subject: RE: BS: Irish Potato Blight- Cause found
What a load of blustering crap
You have had the statements of the Governments intentions
You have had the food situation as it existed at the time
You have had the fact that The British Empire was the richest and most powerful entity on the planet at the time.
You have repeated contently statements affirming that the evictions (assisted by the British forces of law and order and the military( were enforced by the Government's insistence that all failure to pay rents should be acted upon, and that this policy was continued log after the Famine was over
The Fact that there was another famine could be described as an act of God (if you believe that sort of thing)
The results of the 1845-1850 Famine were down purely to not only the inaction of the British Government, but on their (at best) indifferent, and probably deliberate actions in dismantling what the previous put in place and enforcing a policy of emigrate or starve.
I began all this undecided as to whether British actions were racist-based indifference or deliberate policy aimed ast solving 'The Irish Question' as suggested by Trevelyan.
Your loutish mouthings have gone a long way to deciding me that the latrter was the case and your brutish behaviour here has given a pretty fair representation of kind of individuals that managed one million= deaths and a continuing cycle of emigrations.
Well don Tear-arse - a valuable contribution to my education
Jim Carroll