The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3617660
Posted By: GUEST,Troubadour
11-Apr-14 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
".AND..they should do so, not because someone is forcing them, but for their own health, and the health of others......because IF it is solely about 'love', than wouldn't you be 'concerned' about the one(s) you SAY you 'love'."

A sensible comment from GfS! Wonders will never cease!

Indeed they should, and from the figures, of all those who should care about testing for STDs in general and HIV in particular, the group with the highest percntage uptake (and therefore the most caring) is the Homosexual demographic.

Pick the bones out of that.

I don't expect to hear complaints from our two gay bashers about young single heterosexual females, who have the lowest percentage uptake of testing for all types of STD. Obviously they have "GREAT" concern for their partners.........NOT!