The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3617727
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
11-Apr-14 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Ed, I've posted many times before, on various subjects, that often get politicized beyond recognition,..."Seek out the FACTS, and then let the chips fall where they may!"
This is a far cry, from having a political agenda, then twisting and spinning the facts, to make them fit the agenda...
...besides, and I'll 'remind' some people AGAIN, this thread is about the TRANSMISSION of HIV...and those who have a political agenda, trying to fit the homosexuality issue into a 'Civil Rights' issue, akin to the racial Civil Rights struggle during the '50's, '60's and '70's, because it is based on 'genetics', which it is clearly NOT!...and IF you would have read my earlier posts, the transmission of HIV/AIDS, and other STD's has more to do with PROMISCUITY, hetero OR homo.
...It's just that the political airhead crowd seems to want to exclude homosexuals from the equation, because to include them is considered 'homophobic'....which, of course, is a joke!
Now, as it is, YOU have provided links to the latest studies, which backs up earlier assertions of mine, that homosexuality is NOT 'genetic', but BEHAVIORAL, for which I've been repeatedly accused, (along with others, as you can plainly see) of being 'bigots' and 'homo-phobics', INSTEAD of addressing the issues realistically.
Here, in Mudcat, the answers have been AHEAD of the curve, for quite sometime, only to be sniped at, by the wannabe 'Civil Rights' do-gooders, who have been promoting false information, coupled with bad science for far too long!...That being said, The Mudcat Forum should have been recognized for providing GOOD information, AHEAD OF ITS TIME...but instead, has been reduced to 'just another off-base, so-called liberal' yak site!...Thanks to our resident promoters of false propaganda.....which for the first time in God only knows, how long, is being broken through, and being replaced with factual data.
...but first, truth must be held up, and the and the old bullshit, thrown away!
This has been a four year struggle...
....but let the chips fall where they may.........(works for 'bout you?)