The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3617746
Posted By: Ed T
11-Apr-14 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
I have only marginally followed this topic for a few weeks. Also, I am unaware as what transpired over "four years". Imo, there clearly seems to be "a failure to communcate" and understand each other.

In a resulting emotionally-charged climate, one can not expect much progress, let alone agreement on much. At times I am unsure if the main participants are having the same discussion?

You seemed to bunch up farctoo many issues together in your last post, I suspect you, as with others are, frustrated from the difficult "communications climate" . I have not seen the "civil rights issues" you raise in this thread? So, that 's why it seemed puzzling that you were making referance to terms like "liberals and political airheads"?

While we all try oud best to make sense of it all, I suspect if is more complex than any of us know, as we are not directly involved. While we may try and parch if together from our information sources, I suspect what we have access to is limited and incomplete.

I would not wish to be included into any group that does not reflect me. I understand that any unjustifiable suggestion that any member suffers from homophobia would bd a ckncern. And, I also suspect otgers are sensitive to see this unjustifiably being done with others, such as classifying all homosexuals as the same.That is why one has to be careful with what terms are used in this topic.

My observation is the topic is heated, progress is "spinning it's wheels". Maybe the topic is overdud for a rest.