The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154264   Message #3617789
Posted By: GUEST
12-Apr-14 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: Smokers in clubs
Subject: RE: Smokers in clubs
To Mauvepink:

In California smoking is banned everywhere, restaurants, all public buildings, and bars, etc. When the smoking ban first happened at bars/pubs, owners were really upset because they said they would lose customers. Well actually at first, it started out that certain cities had the smoking ban in bars - so the managers/owners were afraid that customers would just drive to the next city over (where there was no ban for smoking). But over the years - smoking was banned 100 % in all bars, restaurants, etc. (for many years now.) And people came to accept it - or least tolerate it I guess. If someone does smoke in a bar and the owner allows it, he could be heavily fined. Most people in California really have come to accept it now - that smoking is not permitted - at some buildings you have to be at least 25 feet away from the entrance (on the outside of the building.)

I think you are completely right to feel uncomfortable around smokers as 2nd hand smoke has been proven to be very bad for your health.
I think it is good that you speak up and say how you feel about it to your friends. I just wish your friends would be more considerate of how if effects you physically. You may have to just start to avoid places that allow smoking all together. Is it worth it to you to go to these places and have to put your own health at risk?