The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3617794
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
12-Apr-14 - 02:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Yeah..OK with me....
I understand that you probably are not aware of the 'history' of the threads that I've referenced....I'd be glad to give you a list to look up, if you want to get familiar with why this gets so heated...however, the main 'wannabe activist' has not been posting much, as of recent, which is fine with me. He had a habit of restating positions of 'perceived motives'...and has created quite a bias, based on resentment, while dishing out hostilities, and purposefully 'spinning' things out context.
He has done Mudcat a great disservice with his wild assumptions and dishonest tactics.
I think the tone has changed, AND facts are now allowed to surface, where before they we kept at bay, and 'spun' to mean completely ridiculous, and even thread drifting diversions...However, at one time I acknowledged him for carrying on, in his antics, because the more he did, the more info was able to be covered.
That being said, his approach was political, whereas mine was not, but instead even some of your post have shed more light, on my position to him...which were void of 'religious' or 'political' agendas.
If you really are interested, I'll put up the might find them 'illuminating', not only for the info, but the crap some of us have had to deal with.....
.....and as I've said before, the whole homosexual issue, is not the MAIN issue here, other than a commentary(by others) as to the numbers they have shown, in categories, and comparisons to the spread of HIV.
My position has been 'promiscuity', whether it be hetero or homo. Others have figures that show the percentages lean toward the homosexual community.....and my position favors a 'loving, traditional, nuclear family'....and there is no way to fake that!



P.S....unless someone brings up something and directs it toward me.