The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3617862
Posted By: Ed T
12-Apr-14 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
"My position has been 'promiscuity', whether it be hetero or homo"

If all folks did not participate in sex, I guess that would be a sure-fire move to treatment. But, that's not going to happen, for any group or location. That leaves us with safer sex, increased testing, treatment with availabke drugs and research to halt the impacts.

Safer sex: People do what they do. We have little control over that. Note that it is a global issue, with local differences. While they are not fine tools, and success and approaches vary, increasing awareness and educating the young seem to hold good hope in many global situations. Increased condom use would, and UN facts show has made a difference in some locals. Preaching down to folks, or demononizing them, IMO, would be counter productive.Increased testing:This one is a puzzle. Common sense would lead you tk believe most folks woukd want to be tested.It would reduce tge possibility of you playing a role in transmission. It also gives those found positive access to treatment. It is likely that skme impacted do not know that advances in treatment reduces the diseases impact and risk of transmission. I suspect some have a fear of testing for a number of reasons. Some in high risk groups do not travel in the same social circles as we do, making their reasoning hard to understand and factor into progressive actions . More focus is needed here, to reach out those with better inside knowledge to design better outreach initiatices that work with the various demographics and groups in different areas.

Treatment: Let's not under value the progress that has been made in this area to date, in medecines to extend lives and reduce impacts and the virus spread. According tobthose working in the field, there is good indications that more progress will be made. But, the success is not a cure, has a cost, and people must participate for a benefit to result.

Note that I focus not on treatment and reducing transfer. I prefer to look at what works, and to build on that in a broader way, versus looking at what occurs in one local, like the USA and the UK. My observation is the discussion erodes when the discussion
changes to" finger pointing."

The likely reason that occurs is mudcat is a global community, who share some values and beliefs, but also represents a diversity of values, beliefs, and experiences. This should not be a surprise, nor anything to stress any mudcater. We can learn from it, and retain what we feel is of value, and calmly, ignore, or "shake off" the rest which we do not value.