The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154264   Message #3618085
Posted By: GUEST,Guest - Cynthia
12-Apr-14 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: Smokers in clubs
Subject: RE: Smokers in clubs
Hello MP:

Your health is of upmost importance. It is not worth it to spend time with "friends" who are not concerned with how detrimental it is to you and others. They are just interested in their own addictive behavior with no consideration for others who are getting the bad effects of their second hand smoke. Just Google "Second hand smoke" to see the enormous studies that have been done for years now about the ill effects from second hand smoke. I think most people do already know this - but don't care. Please do yourself - your health a favour and avoid it - even if it means avoiding the social scene clubs/pubs that permit it. Where will your smoking friends be if you became very ill from continual exposure to 2nd hand smoke?

Of course it is hard sometimes to avoid it completely - when you are waiting for a bus and many people are smoking, you can only walk so far away from the bus stop. Your health - and avoiding smokers as much as possible though is really important! I don't date smokers either! :-)
There is no way I can defend "smokers rights" when what they are doing is not only effecting their own health, but the health of non-smokers, children.

Kind Regards,