The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154264   Message #3618318
Posted By: Musket
13-Apr-14 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: Smokers in clubs
Subject: RE: Smokers in clubs
Aye Steve, you did it though. I never said it was easy, I just said it can be done. I have friends who went through hell trying, hence doing my bit as a campaigner over the years. Awful thing to get addicted to. It isn't just the killing though. I recall a patient moaning because there were no staff available to put him a wheelchair and take him outside for a fag. "I smoked since I was a lad and it hasn't harmed me!" He said. Both legs amputated, septicaemia, on oxygen, COPD.....

But agreeing it is hard can just make it even harder. It is an addiction.

Some of the heaviest smokers I knew were those I worked with down the pit. But you know what? For eight hours a day they didn't smoke. At the time when they needed most concentration they didn't smoke. When they were knackered they didn't smoke.

That alone had me scratching my head over the need.

Do you smoke after sex?

I simmer a bit around the edges.....