The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154264   Message #3618331
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Apr-14 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: Smokers in clubs
Subject: RE: Smokers in clubs
"Personal hygiene plays an important part and if people wash themselves and their clothes regularly"
Nowadays, in an established 'non-smoking' environment that wold have to be each time they had a fag, I'm afraid.
I have never smoked, but I grew up in a household of heavy smokers and was not aware of the smell.
Now smoking is a rarity in public, I can spot a smoker from 50 paces simply by the smell.
The worst culprits are the women who try to disguise their smoking with perfule - Capstan (do they still exist) and Chanel no 5 - yeuch!!!
I am fully aware of the addictive nature of tobacco and fully sympathise with those hooked, but it doesn't mean I want to return to having my life put in jeopardy or go home smelling of someone else's unhealthy habit.
I am also fully aware of the lethal nature of smoking - my mother died of cancer and an autopsy revealed my father would have done also had he not been killed in a road accident.
Sorry - good riddance, as far as I'm concerned
Jim Carroll