The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154264   Message #3618338
Posted By: GUEST,HiLo
13-Apr-14 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: Smokers in clubs
Subject: RE: Smokers in clubs
And oh yes, surely there are people who are "sensitive " to those who deep fat fry..fat people and people who work in chip shops, let us ban them..and those who eat too much curry or god, you may sneeze or, god forbid, go home reeking of food you don.t like. And what abour those who have habits or personal hygene that differ from your..hurl the buggers out.. I refuse to be exposed to those who offend me . Get rid of those insecure short men who wear after shave by the gallon, the floozies whose idea of dressing up is to lather up with a half gallon of evening in Paris..Juysus, can't have them in pubs or clubs....And of course there are those who reek of petrol because they can't walk anywhere and there are those who start these hateful threads and then claim not to want to offend anyone when all you have done is shone a light in the crack where the insufferable and the intolerant hide.