The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154264   Message #3618486
Posted By: Dave Sutherland
14-Apr-14 - 03:15 AM
Thread Name: Smokers in clubs
Subject: RE: Smokers in clubs
I stopped smoking completely in 1982 but prior to that my 20 No6 or pouch of Condor sliced was as essential folk club equipment to me as a guitar or concertina would be to others. The smoke in a folk or jazz club never bothered me but I voted along with others at our club to impose a voluntary smoking ban in the club room some fifteen years or so ago. However now with the total smoking ban (something I am seriously opposed to) we now have the joys of the smoking shelter and at our present club location this is situated just below the club room. Now, as the warm nights are coming on, sure as Hell someone will want the windows open on a club night and we will have the pleasure of trying to listen to an expensive guest above the inane cackle emanating from the smoker's refuge. In comparison give me a roomful tobacco smoke any time.